LEVEL 47. Mounted Glory - This is basically everlasting Amulet of RS gold Glory glued to the walls of your residence. Every higher level OSRS player knows how important it's to get Amulet of Glory charges and how much it costs to buy those amulets over and over again. If you're money making then start from not wasting cash and getting one of these.

LEVEL 50. Portal Chamber - This is extremely handy since you can set in your house teleports from assorted spellbooks (regular, Lunar and Historical ) and have them all in one place. Since you're going to have so many helpful portals in your house all you have to carry with you will be House Teleport Tablet.

LEVEL 55. Armour Stand - Unlike its name indicates Armour Stands aren't used only as a decoration. This is a place where it is possible to mend your Barrows equipment so it is a necessity to have one if you are utilizing Barrows sets.

LEVEL 65+. Restoration Pools - All these are extremely useful as they can recharge you running things, drained stats and even recover your health - but for that you will need 90 Structure.

LEVEL 75. Gilded Altar - You can have best prayer training method right at your house. Once you build Gilded Altar and light two candles on the edges of it every single bone sacrificed there will reward you with 350 percent of normal prayer experience. This is exceedingly helpful for prayer training. Even though you can get these altars in other participant houses it's always more convenient to have it at your own.

LEVEL 75+. Superior Garden - Another very practical thing concerning transport to get in your house. At level 75 Construction with 83 Farming players may place Spirit Tree in house. Additionally at 85 Construction Fairy Ring could be built. If you want to have both at exactly the exact same place 95 Construction and 83 Farming will be necessary.

LEVEL 80. Cape Hanger - Although this thing might seem useless in fact it can be quite useful. Putting skill capes that offer teleportation (like Crafting one) on Cape Hanger will give you added teleports on your house within the range of a single right click.

LEVEL 90+. Occult Altar - Occult Altar lets players alter spellbooks with one click. You may select from every magic kind that you have unlocked. This is very handy as changing it by regular method requires some time. Or it's possible to build small altars at level 80 that cheap OSRS gold will let you change into only one magic type.