Has anyone else noticed this? Does this seem to be a trick by Jagex to encourage people to become interested in making things (or just buy your own cat)? Or , if you die with a clockwork cat that runescape gold cheap follows you, does your clockwork cat turn into the "stray cat" wandering around in the area for a time instead of disappearing way most dropped items do (but what happens to people who die within that GE)? (As an aside did you notice that if there's cats following you, it'll start getting into fights with stray dogs that you pass, lol?)

The familiars have had their damage output scaled up and then nerfed when it was found that titans were hitting to harshly on bosses. I don't know how it is now. According to mod rathe: Summoning is largely put aside for the moment because we believe it's time for an Evolution of Summoning update to the fullest extent to be able to serve its purpose.

However, the fact that everything will be multicombat is more effective than at present. As for herblore, Mod Pi has reguards[sic] on herblore and prayer the current in-game bonus'[sic] that the top level players get pushes the player so far above their tier that it was making it difficult to balance bosses. extremely difficult.

If you were to balance for one player who didn't have these boosts, anyone with an ovl of turm would find the fight a walk through the park. If you balanced for a player who has these boosts, then you've basically made them a requirement. This was far from ideal since the benefits that prayers and potions give you are meant to be viewed as a boost along side[sic] the ones you already had, rather than being as crucial as having one of the greatest weapons in the game.

Based on their current strengths turmoil has the potential of giving you the same boost that the differences between barrows and nex gear/choatics [sic] and overloads is capable of providing the same boost as difference between godwars gear and the nex gear/chaotics. So they are far from little boosts.

I can see how compared to the current values the nerfs seem huge but the issue lies in the fact that turm/ovl's performance is currently far too powerful and has been in that state for far too long.

I'm thinking that when the update to the cb launches , summoning won't be more effective than osrs gp buy herblore however after the overhaul of summoning it should be a lot more effective.