The best way to make gold is to continue leveling. Your gold earning potential increases dramatically as you level, so it doesn’t make sense to stop and farm at earlier levels.In this article, some easy ways to help you making more gold.
Getting Ready For Pre-patch
For professions such as jewel-crafting, enchanting, alchemy, and cooking, you can get started now and gather stuff to sell...
Now that we are quite some time into the Burning Crusade and with Wrath of the Lich King Classic lurking around the corner. In order to prepare yourself for Wrath of the Lich King Classic, you pretty much have to play some TBC. In this WOTLK preparation guide, our WOW Classic Gold goal is for you guys to know more about what exactly is coming in Wrath of the Lich King and how you can...
The Burning Crusade Classic offers a ton of new opportunities and methods to farm gold both in Azeorth and Outland. Whether it is through taking advantage of what your professions have to offer or acquiring a variety of valuable items, this guide will cover a variety of ways to increase your funds.
Dungeons and Raids
Try the different chat channels and try to make a party as soon as possible....
World of Warcraft TBC is officially out, allowing players to get involved with the game and make their way up to 70. Although, by the end game, there are many different items for gear, and the all-important flying to purchase. Players can expect to spend 5k gold on epic flying which is a considerably large amount of money for the average player. For those looking to acquire gold for characters,...
Gold is the crux of everything in World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic. From flying mounts to consumables or playing the Auction House, you'll always need it. Optimize your WOW Classic Gold for Sale farming with our guide!
Farming Primals
Primals are TBC's counterparts of the Classic's Essences (more or less). They are needed in a plethora of crafting recipes and thus they are...
Are you searching for a WoW TBC Leveling Guide? This article is about providing tips and tricks to speed up your leveling journey. You will be aware of the zones you should be traveling to, and how to earn experience as fast as possible.
TBC Classic Leveling Methods
In TBC Classic, there are a few popular leveling methods: Doing quests, running dungeons, grinding mobs, or boosting.
The World of Warcraft TBC offers a ton of new opportunities and methods to farm WOW Gold Classic . So, have you collected enough WoW TBC Classic Gold? Check out this guide and we present you 10 methods for making gold in TBC Classic WoW.
Dark Portal Pass
Even though you get a little bit of gold when you purchase the Dark Portal Pass in your account, you also get many advantages....
Gold is essential in WoW TBC Classic as it can give players an advantage in almost every aspect of the game. Whether they are raiding or leveling up, WOW Gold Classic can make it easier for them, so they are eager to fill their pockets. To make more TBC Classic gold in the game, Paladin is one of the best classes to choose! It is the new king of farming gold in TBC Classic. Here IGVault...
As the same as in World of Warcraft Classic, the WOW Classic Gold is also the lifeblood of its in WOW TBC Classic. You can use Classic TBC Gold to purchase flying mounts, weapons, pets, armor and more, which can speed up the process of the gameplay! Optimize your gold farming with our guide!
If you are out to make gold, there are certain professions that are just better...
Leveling up the profession in the Burning Crusade Classic is not an easy task even for the most hardcore veteran player. Each character has two primary and three secondary professions that need to be maxed out to be useful in raids. It may take days of your playing time, insane amounts of gold, and some scarce resources! I will share my opinion on which professions might be the best for WOW...