Twikkers Market
Catnip Essential Oil
Nepeta cataria is a short-lived perennial, herbaceous plant that can attain a size of 3 feet in height and 3 feet wide. The coarse-toothed leaves are triangular to elliptical in shape and the small, bilabiate flowers are showy and fragrant, and are either pink in colour or white with fine spots of pale purple. It blooms from late-spring to the autumn. It is also a herb of the mint family. Shop Now:
Niaouli Essential Oil
Niaouli Essential Oil is obtained from a medium-sized spreading tree that can grow approximately 25 meters tall. Often used in various cosmetic products in Australia, it is also used in herbalism and as an antiseptic and antibacterial agent. Considered the “natural” hemorrhoid treatment. Shop now:
Lavender Essential Oil
The Lavender plant grows to about one meter in height and produces long thin purple- blue flowers. The entire plant is covered with oil glands, which are in the star shaped hairs that cover the plant. Though this oil is generally not used for therapeutic applications, it is often the Lavender of choice for soaps, candles, perfumes and cosmetics. Buy now:
Angelica Root Essential Oil
Angelica Sinensis, commonly known as dong quai is a herb from the Apiaceae family, indigenous to Asia. Angelica Sinensis is a fragrant, herbaceous perennial native to the frigid, moisture-laden mountains of China, Japan, India, and Korea. It generally grows up to 3 feet tall. Buy Now:
Tansy Blue Essential Oil
Tansy Blue essential oil, also known as Moroccan Tansy essential oil or Blue Tansy essential oil, is derived from the Tanacetum Annuum L plant. This oil is known for its vibrant blue color, which is due to the presence of chamazulene, a compound with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Buy now:
Vanilla Oleoresin Essential Oil
Vanilla essential oil is extracted from vanilla planifolia, which belongs to the Orchidaceae family. It is native to Mexico and Central America and is one of the primary sources of vanilla flavoring. The Flowers are greenish-yellow, with a diameter of 5 cm (2 in) and they mature after about five months, at which point they are harvested and cured. Buy now: